Telegram does not share your phone number with us. Telegram is an instant messaging app that, like similar apps such as Viber, WhatsApp, and LINE, gives you a simple, accessible way to communicate with all of your contacts. Indicates the last activity on the channel or group. Add More then 10000+ Members in 300 Seconds. Just install it on top of your current Telegram Desktop and there you go.View Telegram channel's statistics 'Free Apple ID Pro' - After months of teasing and testing, Group Video Calls is finally available to all users and on all devices, including tablets and desktops We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.This is not the same as your username, but you need to have a username set in order to find your chat ID. Please select the checkbox that you'll see in the login page. Telegram Auto is a software that helps in exporting group members from your competitor's group. In order to obtain an API id and develop your own application using the Telegram API you need to do the following: Sign up for Telegram using any application. But there are old versions available: v2.